Cleanse Kits

If you would like to save time, or if it’s hard for you find these ingredients in your area, you may simplify things and purchase a Kitchari Kit, or even a full Cleanse Kit online through Bantan Botanicals. (Simply click the links, and then do a search.)  These kits do not include ingredients for CCF or Agni tea, nor do they include vegetables. Included are rice and mung beans (which may be hard for you to find in your area) ghee, and a kitchari spice blend.  This blend uncludes the spices listed in my recipes, so you can simply replace all the spices with this blend.


They also sell triphala, neti pots, and tongue scrapers if you are looking to supplement your cleanse with these things.  Click on the banner below to be taken to their website. I am all for simplifying!