Day 6: It’s all for YOU


You are doing it – can you see the light?

A mono-diet is tough!  We are lucky to live in a land of abundance, able to have whatever we could want, crave and desire at our fingertips almost all the time.

This cleanse also invites us to practice of compassion for ourselves.  If cravings are over-taking your mind, try to observe the cravings as an energy you can rid yourself of by not feeding it.  Perhaps journal about these cravings, if you are still having them, to better understand them.

We may crave the sweet taste when we need nourishment or love from friends and family, or if we have a gut flora imbalance and that is influencing our sense of taste.  We may crave spicy foods if we are used to intensity, or alternatively if we are in need of some deep cleansing.  Treat yourself kindly – we all have these experiences – and remember, you can do it!  If you are hungry, eat.  If you are not hungry, do not force yourself.  Please do not fast completely, though. If you are not hungry, skip breakfast and sip on your Agni tea.


Tomorrow you will begin to transition into different foods.