Digestive Teas

Agni Tea, Ginger Tea and CCF (corianda, cumin and fennel tea) both stimulate digestion, and burn up toxins.  You may sip these throughout your cleanse.  Agni tea is great to start the morning, and before meals, while CCF is great after meals.

Coriander, Cumin, Fennel Tea

Cooling, calming, burns toxins

1 T Coriander seeds

1 T Cumin seeds

1 T Fennel Seeds

2 c water

Place all ingredients together in a small sauce pan. Simmer over medium low heat for 5 minutes. Strain and sip after meals. You may double this amount to make enough tea to last you throughout the day! Room temperature is fine.

Fresh Ginger Tea

Stimulated agni, burns toxins

1 T Fresh grated or sliced ginger

2 c water

Place all ingredients together in a small sauce pan. Simmer over medium low heat for 5 minutes. Strain and sip before meals or first thing in the morning.

Agni Tea (Courtesy of The Ayurvedic Institute)

Stimulates agni, burns toxins

3 c water

1 tiny pinch of cayenne

2 T grated or minced ginger root

½ tsp rock salt

1 tsp honey (do not boil!)

lime juice

Bring all of the ingredients EXCEPT the honey and lime to boil in a pot.  Strain and add the honey, and juice of ½ lime.  Sip throughout the day, or especially before meals.
*If you experience acid reflux or a burning sensation after using the ginger tea or the agni tea, use plain Peppermint tea instead.