Day 1: Simplify


Start experimenting with your new daily routine – self massage, meditation, and exercise (see your Daily Routine document for guidance, in Preparation.) Make it work for you – no time in the morning? Try the routine to wind down before bed, but keep in mind, the KEY is CONSISTENCY.

Start to bring awareness to your diet.  The most time-consuming piece of this cleanse is taking the time to cook fresh food for yourself.  Begin to simplify your intake – today eat only whole foods: fruits, cooked vegetables and grains, while cutting out meat, caffeine, dairy, eggs, raw foods, sugar, tobacco and alcohol.  Hopefully you have taken some time to cut out some of these bad habits before you begin shifting your diet considerably, as was mentioned in the preparation videos.

Within the Day 1 Lesson page are some whole foods recipes to try today, that will guide you to simplify your diet, as you prepare for your 5-days of kitchari.

You will begin to modify your habits as well. Cut down on your media intake – television, especially intense crime and hospital dramas, limit computer time outside of work – replace these old habits with something nourishing, perhaps start a good, inspiring book, start taking an early evening walk, or begin a daily journal.

Choose an intention for your cleanse in the form of a positive affirmation.  Some examples are “I am healthy and happy.” “I am whole.” “I am abundant.” “I am healing and healed.”  You may choose to journal about this, or share it in the Facebook forum.

Try making the Coriander, Cumin, Fennel tea (CCF) to sip quietly after dinner.

Soak your mung beans overnight, if using whole beans, to prepare for your first day of kitchari.


  1. Tips for Optimal Digestion
  2. Whole Foods Recipe Idea for Day 1


A little inspiration…


“Yes! No!” – A poem by Mary Oliver

How necessary it is to have opinions! I think the spotted trout
lilies are satisfied, standing a few inches above the earth. I
think serenity is not something you just find in the world,
like a plum tree, holding up its white petals.

The violets, along the river, are opening their blue faces, like
small dark lanterns.
The green mosses, being so many, are as good as brawny.
How important it is to walk along, not in haste but slowly,
looking at everything and calling out

Yes! No! The
swan, for all his pomp, his robes of grass and petals, wants
only to be allowed to live on the nameless pond. The catbrier
is without fault. The water thrushes, down among the sloppy
rocks, are going crazy with happiness. Imagination is better
than a sharp instrument.
To pay attention, this is our endless and proper work.