Day 2: Settle In


Today you will begin the 5-day kitchari mono diet, the deep food sadhana, or practice, of your cleanse.  Start the day with a restful impression, perhaps affirming your intention for this cleanse; You may have chosen something like “I am healthy and happy.”  “I am abundant.”  “I am joyful.”  “I am whole.” “I am healing.” Feel free to use these!

Refine your morning routine that you began yesterday.  Leave yourself plenty of time, so you do not feel rushed or stressed. Give yourself plenty of time to cook for yourself today, and do not be discouraged if your kitchari does not come out perfectly – it may be different every day, but it will be just right. It’s all a learning process.

Move slowly throughout your day. Be kind to yourself. Sip on ginger tea or agni tea throughout the day as well.  Try Coriander Cumin Fennel (CCF) tea after meals.

Check out this article for more information on food as sadhana, by Maya Tiwari.

“The practice or sadhana of wholesome cooking is the only sadhana that takes us through a complete cycle, from the earth and back to earth.”


An Anytime Mindfulness technique:  

You can use this affirmation when you wake up in the morning, when you land on your mat for yoga or meditation, or any time throughout your day to bring you into the present moment.

Take 3 or 4 deep breaths, linking this silent affirmation with the breath.  On your inhale, saying to yourself, “I am home.”  And on the exhale, “I have arrived.”  You are home, you have arrived.  You can ‘arrive’ at any time, any moment throughout your day by using this practice.

Remember, the RECIPES are here.