Day 4: Courage


Continue with your dinacharya, and your kitchari food sadhana. You may be moving toxins at this point, and it is important to stay hydrated, and continue with your digestive teas, which will help toxins, ama, move out of the body rather than back into the tissues.  It is common to feel tired, even if you have been doing less, either because toxins are moving on out, or because you’re finally feeling your true state of energy! It can take a long time to find our true energy again, once we stand still for a moment, but you’re starting that process now.  Luxuriate in it, it’s ok – more than okay! Rest is time for being, being is time for healing.

Attached above is another link to the full body relaxation meditation, which you will also find under the Yoga and Pranayama lesson.  This mp3 can also be downloaded below, so you can take it with you, or listen to it on headphones.  If you are feeling tired, you may choose to listen to this for a short, mindful break in the afternoon.  Lie down in savasana in a safe, warm space, and hit play.

Stream the Full Body Relaxation Meditation