Day 5: Nourish


Today you may choose to adopt a full day of silence, or a half-day is still very beneficial.  The practice of silence is a type of pratyahara practice.  This is a yogic term, and the word means withdrawal of the senses.  When we turn our sensory awareness inward, we can start hearing our inner voice more clearly, the one which tells us our true nature, our best way of being, our true self.  This is one of the first steps towards concentration, and meditation.

It is also simply restful.  Everytime we speak, the body vibrates.  Chanting and singing is one way to vibrate the body in a positive manner, but silence allows our voices to rest, our bodies to rest in stillness.  This stillness is incedibly nourshing, like sleep, which helps to build Ojas – another important component to our immunity, just like Agni (our digestive fire).  Ojas is like our energy stores, or stamina.

An optimal practice of silence includes little technology, no t.v. or radio, and just a little bit of reading.  Rest, relax, write, cuddle with your animals or family (quietly), walk in nature, or stay at home as much as possible, and luxuriate in the ability to do. little. to. nothing.  When do you ever have this opportunity?


DAY 6