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Learning to Fish

I had a client this week who invited me to remember a great metaphor.


“Give a man a fish and he eats for a day; teach him to fish and he eats for a lifetime.”

AyurTranslation: If you give someone an Ayurvedically appropriate meal, and can instantaneously relieve them of anxiety and stress (a killer massage, maybe?!, she’ll have what she needs for one day (not bad). But if you can just teach her how to do this for herself, she’ll be able to feed herself forever, and have tools for reducing her own stress load for life.

Of course, it’s much more difficult to learn how to fish, rather than just be handed your meal.

And my client was literally being handed her meals – not a bad thing at all – she had signed up for an at-home meal delivery service, for vegan (her personal choice) freshly prepared meals to be delivered daily.


She felt great and loved the food, and it saved her cooking time.  What’s wrong with that?


Well, the biggest challenge was that it was really expensive.  Unsustainable for her. She spent over 2,000 dollars to eat for 3 months. And then she was back to square one.


She didn’t learn how to carve out cooking time for herself.  She didn’t learn how or why those ingredients were making her feel better. She missed out on making a shopping list and a meal plan based on her body’s needs.

And even though it seems sort of simple (fish – bite – hook), it’s not easy.  It takes effort, practice, persistence, and the presence of a teacher to make it work.


She joined The Healing Diet because in this program, I’m going to teach ya’ll how to fish.


In this program:

– We learning about ourselves and our body type
– We create a meal plan that will serve that
– We create a morning routine that invites less stress, and healing response in the body and mind

In the end:
– We will be more in tune with what our body needs
– We will know how to shift our habits when we’re not feeling well
– We will create daily habits that serve us, and ultimately help us live the life we want to be living


If you believe in taking responsibility for your well-being, Apply today for the September program. It’s going to be a progressive group, ready to get unstuck, and to grow, to evolve.

I’m only taking 15 people, and it’s filling up fast. Hope to see you’re application come through!


Love, Adena