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Red Clover Infusion

Since the dandelions have sprung up, I have been picking a few new roots everyday and making decoction fresh daily.  It’s been most of my Spring cleansing, and really uprooting any of the discoloration underneath my skin leftover from the bout of eczema I experienced in February.

2657348666_4ec325bf3f_zNature’s next medicine just arrived (for me and the bees!): Red Clover.  Red Clover is a very delicate, astringent and slightly sweet herb.  This makes it great for Pitta, as the weather gets warmer and the light strongest as we approach Summer Solstice.

I’m lucky to have clover opening in the field behind and in front of my house, and all along the road.  The reddish pink blossoms can’t be missed.  My husbands beehive is growing exponentially since they have bloomed – soon enough we will extract the first honey of the season made from that red clover nectar, processed through little magical buzzing beings.

So my morning (and sometimes late afternoon) ritual has involved filling a large mason jar with red clover blossoms, and then making an infusion which I then strain and sip throughout the day.  Just cover the clover with boiling water, and remember to cover – if you’re filling a mason jar, put the lid on, or cover with a small plate. Steep this way for at least 20 minutes, strain and drink warm or cool.

Clover is a great blood cleanser. This means it can help with acne, rashes, and headaches, anger, hot flashes, and excess menstrual bleeding.

I am learning and personally experiencing so much by trying these local herbs on myself.  I’m enjoying noticing how the gunas/qualities and the elements are expressing themselves in my environment as the season changes. I am almost blown away by the abundance of green, greens and resources there are around us so quickly after the winter leaves.

What are you noticing in your body as the weather shifts?  Have you tried Red Clover tea? What were you using it for?


Love, Adena

1 thought on “Red Clover Infusion

  1. Hi Adena, I’m so happy to have found your site. Scott Blossom and I are offering a 3-day cleanse by donation and I’d love to include this recipe; would that be alright with you? We’ll link to your site so people know where to find you and your work too. Thanks! ~ Kate

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