Your Shopping Lists and the Recipes




What is “kitchari”? This simple dish made from mung beans and rice is an ancient and healing combination.  Kitchari is used for special cleansing purposes because of the nutritional and cleansing properties of the spices and mung beans.  It can also be eaten at times when the immune system is compromised.  Kitchari is a holy food – nourishing for mind, body and soul, kitchari kicks up the metabolism and immune system.

There are a few ways to make kitchari, and you’ll eventually make this basic recipe your own.  I have attached two documents below, which show a few different ways to make kitchari.  The second document shows how you can tailor the recipe to the season, if you choose to do so.

Your Digestive Teas, Agni Tea, Ginger Tea and CCF (corianda, cumin and fennel tea) both stimulate digestion, and burn up toxins.  You may sip these throughout your cleanse.  Agni tea is great to start the morning, and before meals, while CCF is great after meals.


Open or Print these documents:

  1. Your Shopping List.   You might also like to have a look at the whole foods integration and re-integration recipes for Day 1 and Day 7 so you can shop if you choose to use those recipes.
  2. Kitchari recipes version 1 and version  2 – based on the season, or your dosha.
  3. Digestive Teas recipes
  4. You might also try your hand at making your own ghee, and I have included a recipe for that.
  5. Cleanse Packages that include mung beans, rice, ghee, spices and even oil and more, can be purchased ahead of time through Banyan Botanicals.  More information can be found here.