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Winter Coleslaw and Herblings

I left my camera in Maine over the holidays! Sad, but true, so I can not show you the beautiful coleslaw I made today.  It looks sort of like this:

Going away a week out of every month is causing me to have to be really tight with money.  Double tough because going through my program makes me even more aware of the food I eat, and more desirous of perhaps not-so-necessary herbs and spices that can really add up.

Jamie was wonderfully kind enough to pick up our CSA share this past weekend, in which we received another 39821479812 pounds of potatoes, carrots and parsnips, along with a beautiful, fresh, crunchilicious savoy cabbage.  with my chocolate covered cashews all eaten and gone as of yesterday, I got creative for lunch.

I baked one of the largest potatoes, and made a mostly-localvore coleslaw on the side. Ayurvedic rules tell us eating cool and hot things in the same meal may cause bowel discomfort – but I still get extreme pleasure from eating any meal made from local ingredients!  (I’ll admit though, a lot of the flavor came from afar.) Here’s the recipe:

1/2 cabbage sliced thinly

3 small carrots, grated

1 large tablespoon of lime juice

2 tablespoons sucanat

1 tablespoon of maple syrup (would have gone all maple if I hadn’t forgotten I had it!)

salt to taste

3 large tablespoons of veganaise

*One of the carrots was purple, so the lovely flecks give the coleslaw some more color.

MIX! And Enjoy.

The ‘herblings’ reference above is just tt he fact that I ordered some seeds for the medicinal herb garden! Lemongrass, California Poppy, chamomile and fennel for now. Herblings, isn’t it such a great word?

Just glad I got a post in! Now on to my homework. 🙂