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Ayurvedic Cooking Class: Kitchari

Thursday May 30, 2013 ~ 5-7 p.m.

Moretown, VT

What is “kitchari”? This simple dish made from mung beans and rice is an ancient and healing combination.  Eaten at times when the immune system is compromised or for special seasonal cleansing purposes, kitchari is a holy food.  You can think of kitchari as the Ayurvedic (and vegetarian!) equivalent to chicken noodle soup.  Nourishing for mind, body and soul, kitchari kicks up the metabolism and immune system.

There are many ways to make kitchari, and we will explore a few of them.   If you’re looking for a simple and wholesome meal to prepare for yourself and your family, or interested in learning why and how Ayurveda uses food for healing, learning how to make kitchari will empower you.

Come and share a meal made with local vegetables and organic ingredients, and learn to make this dish hands-on in Moretown, VT (private address, provided upon registration.)  We will discuss Ayurvedic eating practices in relation to health and healing.

Please register in advance by email ~ Cost is $25, pay cash or check day of class.

If you have ever self-diagnosed IBS, kitchari should be in your arsenal!

All are welcome ~ no cooking or experience with Ayurveda necessary!