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Reap what you Sow: A Yoga and Ayurveda Workshop for Late Fall

Reap what you Sow: A Yoga and Ayurveda Workshop for Late Fall at IndyYoga in Duxbury, Vermont

Saturday Nov 2, 9:30 – Noon

Join Adena for her second Ayurvedic workshop at IndyYoga.  Start the morning with a nourishing yoga practiced tailored for late Autumn and winter.   Stay for a discussion on how to stay healthy this season, including self-massage practice!  We’ll discuss how you can best reap the harvests of summer, and enjoy internal awareness for a restorative winter.  Learn more about Dinacharya, or daily routine, that can help you maintain your health and sanity through the long winter ahead.

Individual Ayurvedic Consultations are available at IndyYoga by appointment after the workshop. Great for those interested in learning more about a guided cleanse.  Book ahead with Adena at

Please bring a small hand towel to class, as well as paper and pen if you would like to take notes.